Children's Church Resources

1st - 6th Grade

A Message from Noel Hermann – Children’s Church Director

We teach from a curriculum called Konnect – it encourages kids to connect with God and others! For the summer we are doing RERUNS of our greatest Konnect lessons, there will not be an overall unit theme. We celebrate God’s power in our lives through times of growth and times of blessing.
Typically, we participate in various classroom activities to engage children in the lesson, but you can also join us at home or in person by watching the Video Message, completing the Group Activity and Challenge Card with the links below. Due to social distancing recommendations children are staying in service with parents for church at this time. Never fear kids are given a bag of fun and Jesus to engage thier hearts and minds. Kids can still complete the 3 main elements in
service and the bag with activities, craft, prize, snack and drink. Come see me after service to add up all your kids cash earnings!!! I will not be handing out cash like normal but keeping track like a bank. Once a month a prize table is provided so kids can redeem thier cash.
I’m encouraged by your commitment and diligence to stay KONNECTED to God and Others! Please have the kids bring the completed challenge cards and any stories they would like to share about the family’s work on these lessons next time we meet in person! Please let your kids know that I cannot wait to see them! Do what’s right for your family but don’t forget Hebrews 10:24 “And let us consider each other carefully for the purpose of sparking love and good deeds. 25 Don’t stop meeting together with other believers, which some people have gotten into the habit of doing. Instead, encourage each other, especially as you see the day drawing near.”

Children's Church is Open!

Now that Children's Church is fully open on Sunday mornings, we will no longer be posting weekly lesson resources. However, if you are not able to make it one week, we will continue to have curriculum options available here for you to use with your children.

5th & 6th Grade: The Loop Show Mixtape: Peace

This is a fun week of Loop Show favorites—including songs, quotes, prayers, and verses—all on the topic of peace. Students will learn from John 14:27 that Jesus gives us a gift of peace that the world can’t give. You can create your own peaceful music playlist that fits with your church culture, to play for students during the activity.

1st - 4th Grade: Konnect Peace

Peace. It’s more than chill vibes, tie-dye shirts, and mood rings. Join Konnect HQ for this four-week series as they learn that lasting peace is a gift from Jesus that never leaves us.We can practice self-care and mindfulness as tools to calm the body and mind as we pursue peace, but those practices won’t take us all the way there. Only by following Jesus can we experience peace that is deep, real, lasting, and not dependent on circumstance. By seeking God and connecting to Him spiritually in prayer, in His Word, in worship, and in community with other believers, we can stay connected to the gift of peace Jesus gives us. When we realize peace, its byproducts of unwavering gratitude, freedom, and trust in Jesus can rub off on those around us, giving us opportunities to be peacemakers in our relationships, our communities, and the world around us.

5th & 6th Grade: The Loop Show - Increase Your Peace

For this three-week series, students will learn to rest. They’ll learn to trust God’s peace in tough times. And they’ll learn to make peace in the world around them. They’ll learn from Colossians 3:15 how to let the peace of Christ rule in their hearts! Each week, students will learn a peace prayer, specific to the week’s teaching.

1st - 4th Grade: Konnect Peace

Peace. It’s more than chill vibes, tie-dye shirts, and mood rings. Join Konnect HQ for this four-week series as they learn that lasting peace is a gift from Jesus that never leaves us.We can practice self-care and mindfulness as tools to calm the body and mind as we pursue peace, but those practices won’t take us all the way there. Only by following Jesus can we experience peace that is deep, real, lasting, and not dependent on circumstance. By seeking God and connecting to Him spiritually in prayer, in His Word, in worship, and in community with other believers, we can stay connected to the gift of peace Jesus gives us. When we realize peace, its byproducts of unwavering gratitude, freedom, and trust in Jesus can rub off on those around us, giving us opportunities to be peacemakers in our relationships, our communities, and the world around us.

5th & 6th Grade: The Loop Show - Stay Fresh

For this three-week series, students find the refreshing freedom that comes from revealing sin, repenting, and replacing old habits with new standards. They’ll learn from Ephesians 4:21-24 how to throw off the old, sinful nature and allow the Holy Spirit to renew thoughts and attitudes. Find purity and stay fresh!

1st - 4th Grade: Konnect Pure and Clean

Pure. You’ve probably heard that word before, but what’s it mean? Find out with the Konnect crew as they learn how to get pure and stay that way!In this three-part series, students will learn that Jesus lived a pure life and we are called to be pure like Him. Because we represent Jesus here on earth, people learn what Jesus is like from our example. By making good choices, kids can honor God by remaining pure.

5th & 6th Grade: The Loop Show - Cat Toys

The Loop Show likes you! We’re answering one of the postcards sent in from a Loop student. This time, we’ll talk about a big question: “Who created God?” We’ll talk about how God is beyond compare, with no equal. And cat toys. We’ll also play with cat toys. Hang on for the Loop!

1st - 4th Grade: Konnect - Truth

People have a lot of ideas and opinions, but what’s the real truth? Let’s find out how God can lead us to it.Not everything we see or hear is true, but we can investigate, learn, and dig into the facts to test it. But spiritual truth isn’t empirical or based on concrete evidence—Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. Our journey to learn and follow spiritual truth goes hand in hand with our walk with Him. So how can we uncover what spiritual truth is or the truth about who God made us to be? How can we choose to be loving and respectful toward people who disagree with us or put us in the middle of their conflicts? We can trust Jesus to show us what really matters, what is true, what is good, what is loving, and what to do when we pray, learn from His Word, and have conversations with others who are close to Him. Each step toward Jesus is a step toward truth.

5th & 6th Grade: The Loop Show - Untangling Truth

In an age of relativism, is there truth? You bet! And with God’s help, we can know it! This three-week series will help preteens learn the lifelong habit of untangling truth from themes of false teaching and tense conversations.

1st - 4th Grade: Konnect - Truth

People have a lot of ideas and opinions, but what’s the real truth? Let’s find out how God can lead us to it.Not everything we see or hear is true, but we can investigate, learn, and dig into the facts to test it. But spiritual truth isn’t empirical or based on concrete evidence—Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. Our journey to learn and follow spiritual truth goes hand in hand with our walk with Him. So how can we uncover what spiritual truth is or the truth about who God made us to be? How can we choose to be loving and respectful toward people who disagree with us or put us in the middle of their conflicts? We can trust Jesus to show us what really matters, what is true, what is good, what is loving, and what to do when we pray, learn from His Word, and have conversations with others who are close to Him. Each step toward Jesus is a step toward truth.

5th & 6th Grade : The Loop Show - How Much?

Preteens may struggle with this thought: “There isn’t enough.” Advertisements say, “More. You need MORE. You need the MOST.” That lie is called greed. It is the never-ending pursuit to make our piles of stuff larger and taller. Greed causes our choices to be driven by, “How much do I get?” This three-week series will teach our Loop students how to give like Jesus. We gladly look for small and large opportunities to give daily. If we focus on making a bigger stash of stuff, we’re only blocking our flow of generosity. We’ll help students understand that the full life of Jesus shows us how much God loves us. How much do you get? Everything. How much do you give? Everything. Because how much does God give? Everything. All of it. He loves you deep enough to give you everything you need. That’s how much you’re loved.

1st - 4th Grade : Generosity

Generosity is more than giving gifts and money. Generosity starts in your heart. Think about what God’s already given to you and be grateful for it. Once you recognize all that you have, look for ways to share it with others.If you have money, be wise with it to help you be generous. If you have time, toys, clothes, or anything else, give it to others who need it, even if it’s a sacrifice that’s hard for you to make. God already gave us the most generous gift ever in His Son, Jesus. Be generous in doing whatever you can to help people who can’t give you anything in return. When you do that, you’re giving a gift back to God.Be generous. Be happy about giving and sharing what you have.

5th & 6th Grade : The Loop Show - Mind Control

It’s always a roller-coaster ride in Loop, and this series is no exception. Buckle up for facing the battle of the mind with the truth of Philippians 4:8 in Mind Control. This series will teach you that your attitude is really important. You'll learn that an excellent attitude follows excellent thoughts. We’ll talk about emotions that may be difficult to control and about how to take a breath between what you feel and how you act. We’ll help you learn how to respond to your inner critic. With God’s help, you can learn to focus on God’s love for you, not your inner voices of harsh judgment and shame.

1st - 4th Grade: God is My Dad

Some kids know their dad. Some don’t. But we can all know the best Dad—God, our heavenly Father!God our Father is the one who is:· Daddy to us all, creating us in His image and meeting our needs through the wonder of His creations.· Loving, never turning His back on us, but waiting patiently for us to reach out to Him and experience His blessing, forgiveness, and validation as worthy sons and daughters of God.· Honest and faithful, even when we are not, holding to every promise He has written in our heart and in His Word.· Transformative, giving us salvation in Christ, the Holy Bible, the Holy Spirit, and communion with Him as tools to save us from sin-nature into reflections of His glory.Children will learn these truths to combat any false perceptions they may have of fatherhood because of what they have experienced in their family relationships. They will have the opportunity to see if they have opened their hearts, their minds, and their lives to the redemptive power of Christ and the Holy spirit in order to identify as and be known as the sons and daughters of God.